Reciclarte Studio is a project that was born before it even had a name. It sprouted from the necessity to help, the very own thing that keeps us alive, Mother Earth. And in the process, our future. Even though I can't save the entire world, I can make a difference and hopefully inspire others to do the same. My approach is through the arts. My studio is like a clinic where my patients are garbage (old and discarded items). I call them diamonds on the rough. My primary tools of the trade are brushes, paint, creativity, and lots of love. My job is to give them a new lease on life.

Leticia Rodarte is a Mexican-born artist who has been living in the United States for the past 34 years. And the last twenty four years as a Pilsen neighborhood resident. She is a self-educated artist who says to have red paint instead of blood in her veins. Her art (paintings, hand-crafts, jewelry, textiles, murals, furniture, and more), as well as her food creations, reflect the strong influence of Mother Nature, her cultural upbringing, and social events.
Pastry Chef graduated from the French Pastry School. She studied modeling (Barbizon Modeling School), acting (Lobo Estepario Theatre Co.), broadcasting (WRTE 90.5 FM Radio Arte), fashion design (Intl. Academy of Design & Technology), and travel hospitality (American Airlines Travel Academy). She is one of the co-founders of the Repertorio Latino Theater Company.